The More You Know!
Frequently Asked Questions
How should one use Stick Syrup Aerosol?
Stick Syrup Aerosol can be applied directly to a hockey stick blade with or with out tape.
Is it Wax?
Technically NO! Stick Syrup is not a wax! However it is used in the same way. It stays tacky even when wet and will repel ice and snow similiarly to any normal bar wax product.
Recommended Application?
Shake well first! We then recommend holding can about 6 inches away from stick blade - with or without a fresh tape job. Two passes each side of blade should do it. Give it about a minute to settle. Reapply as deemed necessary and after every new tape job.
How long does Stick Syrup Aerosol Last?
Mileage may vary! Our 8.25oz Syrup bottle should last about 100-150 applications - This is around a normal hockey season!
Depending on use, one application may last 3-4 ice sessions!
Is Stick Syrup Safe?
Stick Syrup Aerosol is no different than any other common aerosol products. Stick Syrup is a pure, non-comedogenic, non-irritating, clear/colorless, hydrophobic, non-drying, synthetic liquid polymer. DO NOT EAT NOR INHALE! While Stick Syrup smells amazing its not so pleasant to consume. It is also a compressed aerosol so please keep it away from open flames and extreme heat.
Clean up?
This stuff is TACKY! Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
Fully emptied cans can be recycled in accordance with local regulations.
Safety Data Sheets
SDS Sheets are available per request. Reach out to us via